Villa Curlo
A building of great historical relevance, it belonged to one of the wealthiest families of the town and is where the Guelphs and Ghibellines signed a social peace agreement. It is a suburban villa from the modern age (13th century) with a chapel and a park. The side facing inland is long and filled with windows, adorned with a frieze with the words “Villa Ponte”, which is the name by which the building has traditionally been identified.
The only part accessible today is the park, which can be accessed from the street. Upon entering, there is a long path marked by small columns arranged so as to create a line of perspective surrounded by exotic plants. The majestic Pinus Pinea stands out at the entrance of the park, before continuing on with different types of plants, including typical Ligurian aromatic herbs (sage, rosemary, thyme and marjoram). Moreover, there is a space immediately to the left of the entrance, underneath the pine tree, that is especially interesting: a small meditation corner where some pieces of furniture, made of both marble and ceramic, have been placed.
At the end of the boulevard, rich in vegetation, you arrive at a big terrace where, apart from tasting the amazingly good grapes that naturally grow there, you can also enjoy the astonishing view that the strategic position of Villa Curlo provides. Not only can you see all of Taggia, but also the medieval bridge in its entirety, parts of the Riva Ligure territory and the hinterland. Nowadays, the villa is being further enhanced, with the city organising musical and literary events there. The gardens have also been opened to the students of the Istituto Agrario Aicardi di Sanremo (Agricultural Institute of Sanremo), so that they can have hands-on lessons inside the park.